Page 52 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 52

Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12
Categories and Definitions of Exceptionalities
Purpose of the Standard
To make information on the categories and definitions of exceptionalities available to the public, including parents and community associations
Requirements of the Standard
A board’s special education plan must list the ministry’s categories and definitions of exceptionalities (see the Categories of Exceptionalities section in Part A of this guide), and must describe the ways in which the board’s IPRC applies them in making decisions on identification and placement.
Compliance with the Standard
The ministry will review the school board’s special education plan to ensure that the information provided is consistent with the ministry’s categories and definitions of exceptionalities, and that these are the terms used by the IPRC in its statement of decision.
Special Education Placements Provided by the Board
Purpose of the Standard
To provide the ministry and the public with details of the range of place- ments provided by the board, and to inform the public that placement of a student in a regular class is the first option considered by an IPRC
Requirements of the Standard
The board’s special education plan must:
• describe the ways in which the board’s SEAC is involved in providing advice on determining the range of placements offered;
• acknowledge that placement of a student in a regular class is the first option considered by an IPRC;
• outline ways in which a student can be integrated into the regular classroom when the placement meets the student’s needs and is in accordance with the parents’ preferences;

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