Page 4 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 4

Part B: Standards for School Boards’ Special
Education Plans B1 Introduction B1 The Board’s Consultation Process B3 Special Education Programs and Services B4
The Board’s General Model for Special Education B4 Roles and Responsibilities B5 Early Identification Procedures and Intervention Strategies B5 The Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC)
Process and Appeals B7 Educational and Other Assessments B8 Specialized Health Support Services in School Settings B9 Categories and Definitions of Exceptionalities B10 Special Education Placements Provided by the Board B10 Individual Education Plans (IEPs) B11 Provincial and Demonstration Schools in Ontario B12 Special Education Staff B13 Staff Development B13 Equipment B14 Accessibility of School Buildings B15 Transportation B15
The Board’s Special Education Advisory Committee B16 Coordination of Services with Other Ministries or Agencies B18 Submission and Availability of School Board Plans B19 Appendix B-1: Specialized Health Support Services B20 Appendix B-2: Special Education Staff B21 Appendix B-3: Ministry of Education Regional Offices B24

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