Page 3 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 3

Introduction 1 Background 2 The Purpose of This Guide 3 Intended Audience 3 The Role of the Ministry 4 The Organization of This Document 6
Part A: Legislation, Policy, and Funding A1 Introduction A1 Legislation and Policy/Program Memoranda Pertaining to Students
with Special Education Needs A2
The Education Act A2 Regulations A4 Policy/Program Memoranda A6
A Summary of Requirements of School Boards under the
Education Act and the Regulations A8 Roles and Responsibilities in Special Education A10 Categories of Exceptionalities A14 Advisory Committees on Special Education A17 Other Legislation Relevant to the Education of Students with
Special Education Needs A18 Key Ministry Policy and Resource Documents Pertaining to Students
with Special Education Needs A20 Education Funding A23
Funding for Special Education A24 Appendix A-1: The Minister’s Advisory Council on Special
Education: Representation A26

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