Page 178 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 178

Draft Part E: The Individual Education Plan (IEP)
  In some cases, a student’s complete program in a particular subject may comprise only a small subset of the regular grade-level expectations, revised to reduce the level of complexity.
[The student] is in Grade 4 and his teacher has identified the following social studies expectations, modified from People and Environments: Political and Physical Regions of Canada in the Grade 4 curriculum, as appropriate for evaluating his achievement in the strand:
“[The student] will:
• describe some of the ways that industrial development can have
an environmental impact [the Grade 4 expectation requires students to ‘assess’ rather than ‘describe’ aspects of the environmental impact, and to assess the impact in ‘two or more regions of Canada’];
• describe some actions taken by industry and citizens to use land and resources more sustainably [the Grade 4 expectation requires students to describe ‘some key actions’ rather than ‘some actions’, and to ‘assess their effectiveness’];
• explain how people use the land, for both industry and recreation, in various regions of Canada [the Grade 4 expectation requires students to ‘identify some of the main human activities’ rather than to ‘explain how people use the land, for both industry and recreation’].
(Social Studies, Grade 4 – Modified expectations)”

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