Page 180 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 180

Draft Part E: The Individual Education Plan (IEP)
    Examples – Some modified expectations
• “[The student] will demonstrate achievement of all of the science expectations relating to the topic Chemistry: Chemical Reactions and Their Practical Applications, as given in the curriculum document, with the following changes:
✧ formulate scientific questions about observed relationships, ideas, problems, and/or issues to provide focus for inquiries or research [the Grade 10 applied science expectation requires students to ‘formulate scientific questions’ and to ‘make predictions and/or formulate hypotheses’ ]
✧ write word equations for simple chemical reactions [the Grade 10 applied science expectation requires students to write ‘word equations’ and ‘balanced chemical equations’]
(Science, Grade 10, Applied (SNC2P) – Modified expectations)”
• “[The student] will complete all of the curriculum expectations in the course Canadian History Since World War I (Strand C: 1929–1945), as given in the curriculum document, with the following changes:
✧ describe some key social changes in Canada during this period and explain their impact on different groups [the Grade 10 applied history expectation requires students to ‘identify’ rather than ‘describe’ some key social changes, and to ‘explain the main cause of each social change’ rather than ‘explain their impact on different groups’]
✧ describe the responses of Canada and Canadians to some major international events that occurred during this period [the Grade 10 applied history expectation requires students to describe the responses of Canada and Canadians to some major international events, ‘including their military response to World War II’, and to ‘explain the significance of these responses for Canadian identity and/or heritage’]
(Canadian History Since World War I, Grade 10, Applied (CHC2P) – Modified expectations)”
The examples listed above illustrate modifications that do not have a significant impact on the overall expectations for the course. In such cases, the principal would likely maintain the credit-bearing status of the course, provided that the student successfully demonstrated the knowledge and skills identified in the balance of (unmodified) specific expectations listed in the curriculum as well.

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