Page 158 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
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Draft Part E: The Individual Education Plan (IEP) • Sections 12 through 14 address the implementation, monitoring, and
review and updating of the IEP.
1. Reason for Developing an IEP
An IEP is developed for a student for one of the following reasons. The
relevant reason must be indicated in every IEP:
• An IEP must be developed for every student who has been identified as an “exceptional pupil” by an Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC), in accordance with Regulation 181/98.
• An IEP may be developed for a student who has not been identified
by an IPRC as exceptional, but who has been deemed by the board to require a special education program or services in order to attend school or to achieve curriculum expectations and/or to demonstrate learning.
Additional considerations:
• If a school principal determines that a student’s achievement will be assessed on the basis of modified expectations, an IEP is required, even in the absence of identification by an IPRC.
• If a student regularly requires accommodations (including specialized equipment) for instructional or assessment purposes, it is advisable to develop an IEP. Educators should be aware that:
✧ in order to receive accommodations during Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) assessments, a student must have an IEP that identifies the accommodations required;
✧ if a Special Equipment Amount (SEA) and/or Special Incidence Portion (SIP) funding application is being made to the Ministry of Education for a student, a student must have an IEP, as supporting documentation, that identifies the accommodations required.
For more information on accommodations for participation in provincial assessments, see section 7. For more information on individualized equipment accommodations, see section 5.3. The Special Education Funding section of Part A provides details on the SEA and SIP funding allocations.

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