Page 156 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 156

Draft Part E: The Individual Education Plan (IEP)
   3. Develop the IEP as It Relates to the Student’s Special
Education Program and Services (consult sections 4–8)
• Incorporate program suggestions from the IPRC or Special Education Tribunal (if applicable)
• Incorporate applied behaviour analysis (ABA) methods into the IEPs of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), where appropriate
• Record decisions about program exemptions, course substitutions, and eligibility for a diploma or a certificate
• Determine, for every subject or course, the program option that will best suit the student’s needs (i.e., whether the student requires accommodations only or accommodations and modifications) and decide whether alternative programs are needed
• Determine accommodations; record subjects or courses in which the student is to be provided with accommodations only
• Plan and document subjects or courses with modified expectations
• Plan and document alternative programs or courses
• Determine and record teaching strategies and assessment methods for modified and alternative expectations
• Plan for and document required human resources
• Record information about individualized equipment
• Record information about evaluation and reporting
• Record information about provincial assessments
• Develop a transition plan
• Record details of parent/student consultations
• Secure the principal’s approval
4. Implement the IEP (consult sections 6.2, 13, and 14)
• Share the completed IEP with the student, parents, school staff, and other professionals (providing a copy to parents, and to the student if 16 or older)
• Put the IEP into practice (classroom/subject teachers and support personnel)
• Continuously assess the student’s progress
• Adjust the IEP as necessary (recording any changes in goals, expectations, teaching strategies, and other accommodations, etc.)
• Evaluate the student’s learning and report the results of the evaluation to the student’s parents

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