Page 159 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 159

Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12 Draft 2. IEP Student Profile
In preparing a student’s IEP, essential information about the student must be gathered from a variety of sources to establish a basic profile of the student. (The kinds of sources to be used and requirements associated with the gathering of information are outlined in section 11.) The principal must ensure that all of the required student information has been recorded in the IEP and that it is complete and accurate.
The following items must be included in the IEP:
• Student data
✧ Student’s full name
✧ Date of birth
✧ Student identification number – Ontario Education Number (OEN)
✧ Current school year
✧ Name of the school and principal
In addition to these required items, it might be helpful to include:
✧ the language spoken by the student at home;
✧ the student’s enrolment history, last school attended, attendance
patterns, school behaviour, and social skills.
• Date of the student’s most recent IPRC (if applicable)
An IPRC meeting to review the current identification and placement of a student must be held at least once every school year. The date of the meeting should be noted in the IEP. Where the principal of the school at which the special education program is being provided receives written notice from the parents waiving the annual review, the date on which the parents exercised their option to have the annual review waived should be noted on the IEP.
Although it is not a requirement, some school boards also specify that the date of the initial IPRC be included in the IEP.
• Student’s exceptionality
For a student identified as exceptional by an IPRC, the description of the student’s exceptionality in the IEP must be consistent with that provided in the IPRC’s statement of decision, and must also accord with ministry- accepted categories of exceptionalities and their definitions (see the Categories of Exceptionalities section of Part A).

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