Page 160 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
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Draft Part E: The Individual Education Plan (IEP)
For a student who has not been identified as exceptional by an IPRC, a brief statement describing the characteristics of the student that make
a special education program and/or services necessary must be included.
IPRC placement decision (if applicable)
The placement indicated in the IEP must be consistent with the placement specified in the IPRC’s statement of decision. The possible options are:
✧ a regular class with indirect support;
✧ a regular class with resource assistance;
✧ a regular class with withdrawal assistance;
✧ a special education class with partial integration; and
✧ a special education class full time.
(See The IPRC Placement Decision section in Part D for a detailed description of these placement options.)
Student’s current grade and/or special education class placement
Diploma or type of certificate
For secondary students, the type of diploma or certificate that the student is working towards – the Ontario Secondary School Diploma, the Ontario Secondary School Certificate, or the Certificate of Accomplishment – should be indicated.
Subjects or courses to which the IEP applies
Relevant medical conditions
Any medical conditions affecting the student’s ability to attend school or to learn must be listed in the IEP, along with any related specialized health support services2 that the student requires on a constant or intermittent basis. This section of the profile should not include:
✧ emergency plans (such as those for anaphylactic reactions);3
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 2. Health support services are services related to health needs that must be addressed on a scheduled basis to enable a student to attend school (e.g., suctioning, injections, tube feeding, personal care – lifting, toiletting, feeding). These services are provided by individuals who are specifically assigned to administer the required procedures. See the School Health Support Services section in Part F of this guide for more information about the provision of these services.
3. Note, however, that for purposes of preparedness, principals are required to com- municate relevant information about any medical conditions requiring emergency response procedures to staff who work with students who have health concerns.

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