Page 47 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 47

By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 apply the steps of a design process or other problem-solving process to plan and develop products and services (e.g., define the problem or challenge, taking into account relevant contextual or background information; gather information [about criteria, materials, constraints]; generate possible solutions, using techniques such as brain- storming; choose the best solution; develop and produce a model or prototype; test the model or prototype; incorporate improvements or redesign and retest; report on results) (see pp. 16–19);
B1.2 apply the steps and/or techniques of appro- priate problem-solving processes and methods (e.g., diagnostics, reverse engineering, trial and error, divide and conquer, parts substitution, extreme cases) to solve a variety of problems in different technological areas (see pp. 16–19);
B1.3 identify and discuss solutions that have been developed to address key technological problems or meet human needs in various areas of tech- nology (e.g., catalytic converters, CPU heat sinks, solar cells, regenerative brake energy systems, wind turbines, convection ovens, internal defibril- lators, scent-free and hypoallergenic products);
B1.4 use a variety of sources to research techno- logical solutions to specific problems or chal- lenges (e.g., the Internet, reference books, journals or magazines, experts);
B1.5 demonstrate the ability to work cooperatively in a group environment to solve problems
(e.g., share tools, tasks, materials, and resources);
B1.6 use appropriate communication, time- management, and organizational strategies (e.g., active listening, scheduling, flow charts, meal plans) to facilitate the process of devel- oping a product or service.
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 use appropriate tools, materials, and equip- ment (e.g., tools: hammer, chisel, screwdrivers, soldering iron, cheese grater, sieve, seam ripper; pruning shears, hair clipper; materials: wood, aluminum, polystyrene, paper, wax, clay, textiles, electronic components, mulch, hair colour; equip- ment: drill press, test meter, computer, software, printer, video camera, thermometer, grill, sewing machine, autoclave, curling iron) to create prod- ucts or deliver services;
B2.2 make accurate measurements using a variety of tools (e.g., ruler, scale, tape measure, caliper, micrometer, thermometer, measuring cup), in metric or imperial units, as appropriate;
B2.3 meet all design criteria (e.g., technical require- ments, type and quality of materials, appearance, ease of use, safety, timeline, client’s expectations) in creating a product or delivering a service;
B2.4 demonstrate the ability to use, maintain, and store tools and equipment properly and with care.
 B1. use problem-solving processes and project-management strategies in the planning and fabrication of a product or delivery of a service;
B2. fabricate products or deliver services, using a variety of resources.
 B1. ProblemSolvingandProject Management
 B2. CreatingProductsorDelivering Services
Exploring Technologies

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