Page 46 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 46

  Grade 9, Open
A3. Product or Service Evaluation
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Technological Education
A2.3 use metric and imperial units of measure- ment (e.g., metric: degrees Celsius, joules, micrometres [microns], millimetres, kilohms, L/100 km, tonnes; imperial: degrees Fahrenheit, BTUs, knots, mils, inches, feet, miles per gallon, pounds per square inch, tons) and the abbrevia- tions or symbols associated with them correctly and as appropriate to the task;
A2.4 describe and use various forms of communi- cation to document the progress and results of the development of a product or service (e.g., tracking sheets, production status reports, a multi- media presentation, a graphic or animated presen- tation, technical drawings, updates on a website,
a blog, technical reports);
A2.5 describe some common applications of infor- mation and communications technology in vari- ous technological areas (e.g., automotive on-board diagnostics, computers, non-linear video editing, broadband networks, weather reports, online reser- vation systems, electronic medical alert systems).
By the end of this course, students will:
A3.1 evaluate a product or service, and processes associated with its development, on the basis
of a set of criteria relevant to that product or service (e.g., adherence to specifications, ease of use, attractive appearance, ruggedness, clean joints, acceptable weld bead, uniform colour, adherence
to forest management plan, nutritional value);
A3.2 suggest improvements to a product or serv- ice on the basis of a set of criteria relevant to that product or service (e.g., durability, reliability, ease of use, eco-friendliness, appearance, safety, customer satisfaction).

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