Page 48 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 48

 Grade 9, Open
 C1. demonstrate an awareness of the effects of various technologies on the environment;
C2. demonstrate an awareness of how various technologies affect society, as well as how society influences technological developments.
 C1. TechnologyandtheEnvironment
 C2. TechnologyandSociety
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Technological Education
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 describe how various technologies (e.g., integrated pest management, water purification, mass transit, agricultural technologies, resource extraction) affect the environment, and identify important environmental considerations associated with different areas of technology (e.g., how to deal with ozone-depleting chemicals or hazardous wastes; how to increase opportunities for recycling, conservation, use of sustainable methods or materials);
C1.2 identify technological solutions that have been designed in response to environmental concerns (e.g., catalytic converter, wind turbines, solar-powered signs, biofuels, non-toxic and hypoallergenic products, recyclable and reusable packaging);
C1.3 follow proper procedures for the safe storage and disposal of materials and waste products (e.g., keep flammable solvents, paints, and varnishes in non-combustible cabinets; recycle used motor oil).
By the end of this course, students will:
C2.1 describe some of the effects that technologi- cal innovations of the past have had on society (e.g., effects on health, on people’s ability to travel and communicate, on living standards, on education) and the economy (e.g., creation of new types of jobs, automation of factories);
C2.2 describe how society is being affected today by various new and emerging technologies (e.g., electronic messaging, Global Positioning System [GPS], wireless access, hybrid vehicles, nanotech- nology, biotechnology);
C2.3 describe economic, ecological, social, and safety considerations facing consumers when they make choices between particular products or services (e.g., natural versus synthetic materials, renewable versus non-renewable resources; inex- pensive products created in developing countries versus more costly products created domestically; higher-priced products with additional safety features versus less costly products without them);
C2.4 demonstrate an understanding of, and respect for, cultural and social diversity as they develop and create various products or services (e.g., pre- pare foods from various countries around the world, use video or graphic images that are representative of the school population, demonstrate hairstyles from various cultures, compare traditional land- scaping styles of different cultures);
C2.5 describe how social and economic factors influence the development and use of tech- nology (e.g., high fuel prices and safety concerns influence automotive design, rotating blackouts speed the development of energy alternatives, people’s desire to be connected with family and friends drives telephone and wireless device design).

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