Page 45 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 45

By the end of this course, students will:
 A1. demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental concepts and skills required in the planning and development of a product or service, including the use of a design process and/or other problem-solving processes and techniques;
A2. demonstrate the ability to use a variety of appropriate methods to communicate ideas and solutions; A3. evaluate products or services in relation to specifications, user requirements, and operating conditions.
A1. Planning and Development
By the end of this course, students will:
A1.1 describe a design process or other problem- solving process for planning and developing products and/or services (see pp. 16–19);1
A1.2 describe problem-solving processes and tech- niques for solving various kinds of problems in different technological areas;
A1.3 apply correctly the mathematical and scien- tific concepts and skills required in the plan- ning and development of a product and/or service;
A1.4 incorporate appropriate technological concepts (e.g., aesthetics, control, environmental sustainabil- ity/stewardship, ergonomics, fabrication/building/ creation, function, innovation, material, mechanism, power and energy, safety, structure, systems) in the design, fabrication or delivery, and evaluation of a product or service (see pp. 5–6);
A1.5 describe the characteristics of a variety of materials used in the fabrication of a product or the delivery of a service (e.g., strength, durability, possible toxicity, lifespan, density, nutritional value, flavour, asepsis) and identify other relevant con- siderations to be made in relation to those materials (e.g., cost, availability);
A1.6 demonstrate an understanding of the roles of various team members in a group project (e.g., leader, recorder, timekeeper);
A1.7 research and describe the development of a Canadian technological innovation or invention (e.g., snowmobile, personal communication device, potato digger, odometer, anti-gravity suit, CPR mannequin, zipper).
A2. Communication
By the end of this course, students will:
A2.1 use a variety of appropriate methods to com- municate information or ideas and concepts during the planning and production stages of a project (e.g., production plans, scripts, flow charts, storyboards, sketches, technical drawings, recipes, client consultation reports, design briefs);
A2.2 use correct terminology to identify and describe various processes, tools, and equip- ment used in creating products or delivering services (e.g., processes: levelling, squaring, formulating, baking, sterilizing, colouring; tools: pruning saw, wire cutter, curling iron; equipment: USB flash drive, tire balancer, camcorder, flat iron, deep fryer, magnifying lamp, ultraviolet sanitizer, solderless breadboard, measuring cup, thermometer);
    1.The products and services referred to throughout this course should be drawn from various areas of technological education, which include communications technology, computer technology, construction technology, green industries, hairstyling and aesthetics, health care, hospitality and tourism, manufacturing technology, technological design, and transportation technology. Examples of products might include an electronic communication device, a jewellery box, an individual meal plan or a restaurant menu, a traffic light model and simulator, a Rube Goldberg machine, a piece of animation, a website, a photography exhibit, a wheelchair ramp, a locker organizer, theatre props, a garden, a floral arrangement, and a plant stand. Examples of services might include staging a fash- ion show, providing health care services, operating a food bank, and planning and producing holiday events or a school production.
Exploring Technologies

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