Page 276 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 276

  Grade 11, College Preparation
D3. Refining Skills through Practical Experiences
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Social Sciences and Humanities
D2.3 explain ways in which a play-based approach to early childhood education promotes social, linguistic, emotional, cognitive, and physical development
D2.4 explain what infants and toddlers need to prepare them for the development of pre- reading and pre-numeracy skills (e.g., explo­ ration, sensory stimulation, time and materials to explore and manipulate)
Teacher prompt: “Why would using flash cards be less effective for developing numeracy skills in toddlers than having them use blocks to build a tower?”
D2.5 demonstrate the ability to plan nutritious snacks and meals for young children (e.g., plan a one-day menu for an early learning program)
Teacher prompt: “How can you accommodate the needs of children with food allergies
or dietary restrictions in an early learning program?”
By the end of this course, students will:
D3.1 demonstrate the effective use of a variety of observation techniques to study children (e.g., running record, anecdotal record, time sample, video, checklist, event sample)
D3.2 demonstrate the effective use of strategies and activities to meet the needs of children from birth to age six (e.g., plan an event for a local daycare or playschool)
D3.3 evaluate their experiences of working with children and reflect on their potential strengths and areas for improvement
Teacher prompts: “What went well with the activity that you designed and implemented? What did you observe that indicated to you that this would be a meaningful activity for this child/group?” “What skills does this activity help the children develop?” “If you were doing it over again, what might you do differently?”

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