Page 278 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 278

  Grade 11, College Preparation
E3. Social and Cultural Variations
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Social Sciences and Humanities
By the end of this course, students will:
E3.1 identifybiasesintheirownpointsofviewand in society about diverse children and families (e.g., biases based on age, ethnicity, faith, language, sex, gender identity, class, ability, status)
E3.2 identify and evaluate a variety of strategies and activities used in early learning programs to create bias-free environments that support diversity
Teacher prompts: “What kind of materials would you select for a playschool in order to support cultural diversity?” “How would you respond if children in your program wanted to play ‘Cowboys and Indians’?”
E3.3 identify a variety of ways in which family, community, and culture influence young children’s behaviour
E3.4 describe strategies that can be used in early learning programs to challenge gender stereotypes
Teacher prompt: “How might an early child­ hood educator respond to children who were teasing a boy who plays with dolls?”
E3.5 explain the role and function of various social agencies that early childhood educators can call on to provide support to families (e.g., children’s aid societies, Dietitians of Canada, police, newcomers’ support centres, family coun­ selling agencies, Native friendship centres)

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