Page 277 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 277

By the end of this course, students will:
 E1. Issues and Challenges: demonstrate an understanding of a variety of issues and challenges that early childhood educators encounter;
E2. Neglect and Abuse: demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to neglect and physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and of the roles of early childhood educators in dealing with these issues;
E3. Social and Cultural Variations: demonstrate an understanding of how a variety of social and cultural factors affect young children.
E1. Issues and Challenges
By the end of this course, students will:
E1.1 describe the benefits of and challenges to the development of strong partnerships between early learning programs and their families
(e.g., benefits: families develop confidence and are less likely to feel isolated; children have consistency of environments and expectations; early childhood educators feel more valued and respected; chal­ lenges: male early childhood educators may find it difficult to feel trusted; differing values of families and early childhood educators may make it difficult to establish mutual trust or rapport)
E1.2 analyse ways in which children become the targets of marketing and the media
(e.g., through licensed products, back-to-school
ad campaigns, holiday toy launches, the marketing of gender-stereotyped toys and “child-themed” foods, promotions related to significant days such as Valentine’s Day and Halloween, the marketing of electronic devices)
E1.3 identify specific challenges early childhood educators face and effective strategies for addressing them (e.g., strategies for engaging children with exceptionalities, supporting children living in poverty, responding sensitively and appropriately to diverse families)
Teacher prompt: “What strategies could you use to integrate a child who uses a wheelchair into classroom activities that promote social, cognitive, and physical development?”
E1.4 identify strategies used for ensuring the safety of children from birth to six years of
age in a variety of childcare environments (e.g., Internet safety education; bullying prevention programs; Stay Alert, Stay Safe programs)
E1.5 describe strategies that could be used in early learning programs to reduce their envi­ ronmental impact (e.g., using cloth diapers, recy­ cling craft materials, planting a vegetable garden, using reusable cutlery and dishes)
E2. Neglect and Abuse
By the end of this course, students will:
E2.1 demonstrate an understanding of factors that can lead to neglect or physical, sexual, or emotional abuse (e.g., a family history of violence, stress, alcoholism)
E2.2 identify indicators of neglect and physical, sexual, and emotional abuse (e.g., unexplained bruising or laceration, withdrawal, unexplained fears)
E2.3 demonstrate an understanding that people who work with children have a duty to report and intervene in suspected cases of neglect and physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, and describe prescribed procedures for doing so
E2.4 describestrategiesearlychildhoodeducators can use to anticipate and prevent neglect
and physical, sexual, and emotional abuse (e.g., education, communication, policy development)
HHI FP 1W0 3/ 2C 0

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