Page 120 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 120

 Grade 10, Open
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Social Sciences and Humanities
identifying needs and wants, determining personal resources such as money for clothing and skills to alter or repair clothing, planning for special occasions)
Teacher prompts: “Why is it important to eval­ uate your current wardrobe as part of the plan­ ning process?” “If you don’t have much money to spend on clothing, what can you do to enhance your wardrobe?”
B2.4 describedresscodesforavarietyofsituations and groups (e.g., with reference to situations at school, special occasions, a school dance, a funeral, various workplaces, a wedding, family functions;
with reference to groups such as athletic teams, police officers, members of the military) and the effects such codes can have on personal wardrobe planning
Teacher prompts: “Why do certain groups
and organizations have specific dress codes?” “What places and/or occasions require a partic­ ular style of dress? Why?” “What influences your decision to reject or conform to certain dress codes? What are the effects of not adhering to
a dress code? Why might the effects differ for different groups?”

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