Page 121 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 121

By the end of this course, students will:
 C1. Evaluating Clothing: demonstrate an understanding of how to evaluate the quality, value, and suitability of clothing and accessories;
C2. Retail Approaches: demonstrate an understanding of the effects that retail formats and promotions can have on individuals’ decisions about clothing purchases;
C3. Fibres and Fabric Care: demonstrate an understanding of natural and synthetic fibres and fabrics, and of how their characteristics affect clothing choices and care.
C1. Evaluating Clothing
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 explain the criteria for evaluating the quality, value, and suitability of clothing and accessories (e.g., straight and secure stitching on seams, which allows garments to hang, wear, and wash well; durable fabrics for garments and accessories that will be worn and/or washed frequently)
Teacher prompts: “What are the characteristics of a good seam, hem, or button application?” “Why are leather shoes likely to cost more than those made of a synthetic material? Does the price difference mean that the less expensive shoes are a better buy? Why or why not?”
C1.2 assess the quality of selected garments and accessories (e.g., work clothes, outerwear, sports garments, shoes, garments for special occasions)
Teacher prompts: “How are the seams of this garment constructed?” “What is the quality of the fabric? Will it wear well? Will it pill, fray, fade, or lose its shape?” “What are the tactile characteristics of the fabric? Is the fabric light or heavy? Is it draped or rigid? Are the tactile characteristics of the fabric consistent with the garment’s purpose?” “What type of detailing does the garment have?”
C2. Retail Approaches
By the end of this course, students will:
C2.1 identify and describe various retail formats for clothing and accessories (e.g., department stores, chain stores, boutiques, specialty shops, second-hand stores, online shopping sites, outlet stores, shopping channels on television)
C2.2 explainhowvariousretailformatscanaffect the ways individuals shop for and purchase clothing and accessories (e.g., with reference to shopping with peers, accessing unique products, comparison shopping, impulse buying)
Teacher prompts: “Where would you shop to get a one-of-a-kind outfit?” “How might shopping online or on television contribute to impulse buying?” “What are the advantages and disad­ vantages of purchasing at a local store?”
C2.3 describe different types of retail promotions (e.g., in-store displays, billboards, magazine adver­ tising, clearance sales, online surveys), and explain the effect of these promotions on their decisions about clothing purchases
Teacher prompts: “What types of sales or promo­ tions would make you go to a particular store?” “What words, images, or slogans associated with a retailer or used in its ads make you want to shop at its store?”
ResearchCalnodthIninqguiry Skills
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