Page 119 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 119

By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 describe the functions of clothing and accessories and the messages they convey (e.g., to protect against the weather; to convey status, power, or occupation; to adorn; to satisfy social conventions with respect to modesty or gender roles; to signal membership in a group)
Teacher prompts: “Think about the outfit you are wearing today. What personal needs does it meet? Which social conventions does it satisfy? Does it challenge any social conventions? How?” “What messages are conveyed when a woman wears a sari or a man wears a turban?”
B1.2 explain the impact that clothing can have on social interactions (e.g., how clothing’s ability to contribute to unity or signal authority can affect interactions; what people’s clothing can say about their values or personality, and how this might affect their interactions with others; how the ways we judge ourselves and others based on clothing can affect our interactions)
Teacher prompts: “How might clothing affect your perception of someone you are meeting for the first time?” “How and why do uniforms affect team unity?”
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 explain ways in which individuals’ personal clothing decisions can be affected by change (e.g., fads and trends; changes in styles; development of new materials; changes in one’s age, status, or social role)
B2.2 describe various criteria used in wardrobe planning (e.g., price, style, storage space, availability, what peers are wearing, family rules or traditions, cultural traditions, physical needs), and explain how these criteria affect their personal clothing and accessory selections
Teacher prompts: “When you go shopping for clothing, what is the most important factor determining what you buy?” “Who do you take shopping with you when you are looking for clothing? Does your choice of co-shopper vary depending on the items you are shopping for? Why or why not?” “What are the advan­ tages of planning a wardrobe rather than buying garments on impulse?” “To what extent do you take environmental factors into consideration when buying clothing and accessories?”
B2.3 describe the steps and processes involved in personal wardrobe planning (e.g., using a decision-making model, evaluating current wardrobe,
 B1. The Functions and Social Impact of Clothing: demonstrate an understanding of the functions clothing serves, the kinds of messages it conveys, and the impact it can have on social interactions;
B2. Wardrobe Planning and Clothing Selection: demonstrate an understanding of various factors affecting personal wardrobe planning and clothes selection.
  B1. The Functions and Social Impact of Clothing
B2. Wardrobe Planning and Clothing Selection
ResearchCalnodthIninqguiry Skills
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