Page 56 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 56

 Grade 9, Academic
    d1. assess some of the costs, hazards, and benefits of space exploration and the contributions of Canadians to space research and technology;
d2. investigate the characteristics and properties of a variety of celestial objects visible from Earth in the night sky;
d3. demonstrate an understanding of the major scientific theories about the structure, formation, and evolution of the universe and its components and of the evidence that supports these theories.
  D1. Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment
 D. Developing Skills of Investigation and Communication
technologies that were developed for the space program but that can be used to address en- vironmental and other practical challenges on By the end of this course, students will: Earth (e.g., radiation monitors and barriers, sensors to monitor air and water quality, remote d1.1 assess, on the basis of research, and report on
sensing technology, fire-resistant materials) [AI, C] the contributions of Canadian governments, or-
Sample issue: Technologies that were originally ganizations, businesses, and/or individuals to
developed for space exploration now have a space technology, research, and/or exploration
range of environmental, medical, business, and (e.g., as part of the International Space Station
domestic uses. However, these technologies mission; in the fields of telecommunications and
were developed at great cost, using funds satellite technology) [IP, PR, AI, C]
that might have been directed to other types Sample issue: The Canadarm was developed by
of research and development.
a Canadian company with financial support
Sample questions: What hazards do humans face from the federal government to offset its high
when they are in space? What technologies have costs. It is an important component of the
been developed in response to these hazards? International Space Station, a unique facility
How have these technologies been adapted for that provides many innovative opportunities for
use on Earth? How much money was spent space exploration and research.
to develop the Canadarm? How is Canadarm Sample questions: What contributions have
technology now used in other sectors such as Canadian researchers made to space explora-
medicine and the environment?
tion? How have Canadians contributed to the
development and use of satellite technology?
How have partnerships between the public
and private sectors in Canada contributed to
the development of technology used in space
research and exploration?
By the end of this course, students will:

d. earth and Space Science: the Study of the univerSe
By the end of this course, students will:
d1.2 assess some of the costs, hazards, and benefits of space exploration (e.g., the expense of de- veloping new technologies, accidents resulting in loss of life, contributions to our knowledge of the universe), taking into account the benefits of
d2.1 use appropriate terminology related to the study of the universe, including, but not limited to: celestial objects, orbital radius, retrograde motion, and satellite [C]

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