Page 58 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 58

 Grade 9, Academic
    e1. assess some of the costs and benefits associated with the production of electrical energy from renewable and non-renewable sources, and analyse how electrical efficiencies and savings can be achieved, through both the design of technological devices and practices in the home;
e2. investigate, through inquiry, various aspects of electricity, including the properties of static and current electricity, and the quantitative relationships between potential difference, current, and resistance in electrical circuits;
e3. demonstrate an understanding of the principles of static and current electricity.
  E1. Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment
e. phySicS: the characteriSticS of electricity
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
e1.1 analyse the design of a technological device that improves its electrical efficiency or protects other devices by using or controlling static elec- tricity (e.g., paint sprayers, photocopiers, lightning rods, grounding wires) [AI, C]
Sample questions: How does eliminating static electricity help or hinder the performance of a device? How have static electricity controls helped in developing new technologies?
e1.2 assess some of the social, economic, and en- vironmental implications of the production of electrical energy in Canada from renewable and non-renewable sources (e.g., wind, solar, hydro, coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear) [AI, C]
Sample issue: The operation of wind farms along Lake Huron produces electricity from a renewable source, reducing dependence on non-renewable sources of electricity. However, the wind farms produce noise and visual pollu- tion, affect local animal life, and reduce the amount of land available for agriculture.
Sample questions: What is the price difference be- tween electricity produced from solar power and by coal-burning plants? What effects do coal
mining, oil production, wind farms, and hydro- electric dams have on surrounding ecosystems? What types of hazardous substances are used or created in the production of solar power and nuclear power? What types of emissions are pro- duced by coal-burning and hydroelectric power plants? What are the effects of these emissions on human health and the environment?
e1.3 produce a plan of action to reduce electrical energy consumption at home (e.g., using EnerGuide information when purchasing appli- ances), and outline the roles and responsibilities of various groups (e.g., government, business, family members) in this endeavour [IP, AI, C]
Sample issue: Replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs can reduce the energy needed to light a home by 75%. Although the bulbs are more expensive than incandescent bulbs, electrical companies sometimes provide coupons to reduce the price. Also, the Ontario government is phasing out incandescent bulbs, which will further reduce energy consumption.
Sample questions: What are EnerGuide and ENERGY STAR, and how can they be used when purchasing appliances or electronics? What is the difference in energy consumption between a conventional and a front-loading washing machine? What appliances consume electrical energy even when they are not in use?

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