Page 55 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 55

colour, melting point, solubility, density; chem- ical properties: combustibility, reaction with water) [IP, PR, AI]
c2.4 conduct appropriate chemical tests to identify some common gases (e.g., oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide) on the basis of their chemical properties, and record their observations [PR, C]
c2.5 construct molecular models to represent simple molecules (e.g., O2, CO2, H2O, NH3 , CH4) [PR]
C. Understanding Basic Concepts
By the end of this course, students will:
c3.1 explain how different atomic models evolved as a result of experimental evidence (e.g., how the Thomson model of the atom changed as a result of the Rutherford gold-foil experiment)
c3.2 describe the characteristics of neutrons, pro- tons, and electrons, including charge, location, and relative mass
c3.3 distinguish between elements and com- pounds (e.g., compounds are pure substances that can be broken down into elements by chemical means)
c3.4 describe the characteristic physical and chem- ical properties of common elements and compounds (e.g., aluminum is a good conductor of heat; copper reacts to moist air by developing a greenish surface of copper carbonate; sodium carbonate is a white, odourless powder that dis- solves in water; water has unique physical properties that allow it to support life)
c3.5 describe patterns in the arrangements of elec- trons in the first 20 elements of the periodic table, using the Bohr-Rutherford model
c3.6 explain the relationship between the atomic structure of an element and the position of that element in the periodic table
c3.7 compare and contrast the physical properties of elements within a group (e.g., alkali metals) and between groups (e.g., the carbon group and noble gases) in the periodic table
c3.8 identify and use the symbols for common elements (e.g., C, Cl, S, N) and the formulae for common compounds (e.g., H2O, CO2 , NaCl, O2)


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