Page 8 - OSR 99- Eng.
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  An OSR will consist of the following components:
– anOSRfolderinForm1AorForm1
– report cards
– an Ontario Student Transcript, where applicable
– a documentation file, where applicable
– an office index card
– additional information identified as being conducive to the improvement of the instruction of the student
Principals must establish an OSR folder, Form 1A (see appendix A), for students enrolling in school for the first time after September 1, 1985. For students attending school who enrolled in school before that date, the OSR folder Form 1 must be adjusted to correspond to Form 1A (see appendix B). The folder will contain the parts set out below in sections 3.1.1 to 3.1.7.
3.1.1 Biographical data: Part A
The following information will be provided:
– the student’s full name and date of birth (The principal will indicate the method of verification on the folder – e.g., birth certificate, baptismal certificate, passport – and will initial and date the folder.)
– a student number assigned by the school or the school board, where applicable
– a Ministry Identification Number (MIN) or Ontario Education Number (OEN) assigned by the ministry, where applicable
3.1.2 Schools attended: Part B
The following information will be provided:
– the name of each school that the student has attended
– the name of the board, the name of the Native education authority, or the name of the person who operated the private or federal school
– the date of entry and the date of the last day of attendance in each grade
– the name of a teacher contact
Where the student is transferring to a school from an educational institution that was not required to maintain an OSR, Part B may include any information that will complete the record of schools previously attended.
March 2000 7

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