Page 6 - OSR 99- Eng.
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  School boards are responsible for ensuring compliance with the policies set out in this guideline. Boards will specify those persons responsible for performing clerical func- tions with respect to the establishment and maintenance of the OSR. Boards will also develop policies for determining:
– the types of information beyond those specified in this guideline that could be consid- ered to be conducive to the improvement of the instruction of the student;
– the uses of the information and materials contained in the OSR beyond those speci- fied in this guideline (see section 3.4);
– the relevance of the materials in the OSR, with a view to removing those no longer considered to be conducive to the improvement of the instruction of the student (see section 9);
– the times other than those specified in this guideline at which it could be considered appropriate to issue report cards (see section;
– the types of information beyond those required by this guideline that could be added to the office index card (see section 3.5).
In addition, boards will develop procedures to be followed to ensure:
– the security of the information contained in the OSR, whether it is maintained elec- tronically or in hard copy, during both the period of use and the period of retention and storage;
– the regular review of the OSR for the removal of any material that is no longer considered to be conducive to the improvement of the instruction of the student;
– the storage of the OSR for the period specified in the retention schedule (see section 8);
– the complete and confidential disposal of material removed from the OSR.
Boards will ensure that all persons that they assign to perform clerical functions with respect to the establishment and maintenance of the OSR are aware of the confiden- tiality provisions in the Education Act and the relevant freedom of information and protection of privacy legislation.
It is the duty of the principal of a school to:
– establish, maintain, retain, transfer, and dispose of a record for each student enrolled in the school in compliance with this guideline and the policies established by the board;
– ensure that the materials in the OSR are collected and stored in accordance with the policies in this guideline and the policies established by the board;
March 2000 5

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