Page 4 - OSR 99- Eng.
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  The Ontario Student Record (OSR) is the record of a student’s educational progress through schools in Ontario. The Education Act requires that the principal of a school collect information “for inclusion in a record in respect of each pupil enrolled in the school and to establish, maintain, retain, transfer and dispose of the record”. The act
also regulates access to an OSR and states that the OSR is “privileged for the information and use of supervisory officers and the principal and teachers of the school for the improvement of instruction” of the student. Each student and the parent(s)1 of a student who is not an adult (that is, a student who is under the age of eighteen) must be made aware of the purpose and content of, and have access to, all of the information con- tained in the OSR.
This guideline sets out the policies of the Ministry of Education with regard to the estab- lishment, maintenance, use, retention, transfer, and disposal of the OSR. It replaces the Ontario Student Record (OSR): Guideline, 1989.
This guideline will be revised as needed. Each page of the guideline is dated, and replacement pages will be provided with a revision date.
The contents of this guideline have been reviewed for compliance with the provincial Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. When implementing the policies contained in this guideline or set by the school board,2 school staff must take into consideration the requirements of the relevant freedom of information legislation.
The OSR folder, Ontario Student Transcript, documentation file folder, and office index card are available from those vendors that are listed on the ministry’s website, at Samples of these OSR components are contained in appendices A, C, D, and E, respectively, to this guideline.
Other forms needed for the OSR are available on the ministry’s website. Samples are provided in appendices F, G, H, I, J, and K to this guideline. School boards and schools may wish to download and print these forms themselves, or they may have them printed by vendors of their choice. In either case, no changes of any kind may be made to the forms.
For instructions for obtaining the provincial report cards and for samples, boards and schools should refer to the Guide to the Provincial Report Card, Grades 1–8 and the Guide to the Provincial Report Card, Grades 9–12. The provincial report cards are also available on the ministry’s website.
  1. Throughout this document, parent(s) is used to refer to both parent(s) and guardian(s). 2. The terms school board and board refer to district school boards and school authorities.
September 2001 3

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