Page 2 - OSR 99- Eng.
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  Introduction ..................................................... 3
1 EstablishmentoftheOSR ........................................ 4
2 ResponsibilityfortheOSR ....................................... 5
3 ComponentsoftheOSR ......................................... 7
3.1 TheOSRFolder............................................ 7
3.2 ReportCards .............................................. 8
3.3 TheOntarioStudentTranscript(OST) ........................... 11
3.4 TheDocumentationFile ..................................... 11
3.5 TheOfficeIndexCard ....................................... 12
3.6 Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in FrenchAsaSecondLanguageinElementarySchool ................ 13
3.7 Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Challenge for Credit: CumulativeTrackingRecord .................................. 13
4 AccesstotheOSR .............................................. 14
4.1 Students ................................................. 14
4.2 Parents .................................................. 14
4.3 EducationalPersonnel ....................................... 14
4.4 MinistryandSchoolBoards ................................... 15
4.5 CourtsandLawEnforcementAgencies .......................... 15
5 UseandMaintenanceoftheOSR .................................. 17
6 TransferoftheOSR............................................. 18
6.1 Transfer to a School in Another Board or to a Provincial or DemonstrationSchoolinOntario ............................... 18
6.2 Transfer to a Private, Federal, or First Nation School in Ontario . . . . . . . . 19
6.3 TransfertoanEducationalInstitutionOutsideOntario .............. 19
7 RetirementofaStudent ......................................... 20
8 Retention, Storage, and Destruction of Information in the OSR . . . . . . . . . . . 21
 This publication is available on the Ministry of Education’s website, at
Une publication équivalente est disponible en français sous le titre suivant : Dossier scolaire de l’Ontario : Guide, 2000.
September 2001 1

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