Page 41 - Ontario Schools: Kindergarten to Grade 12
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3.3.4 Transition Planning for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
In accordance with PPM No. 140, principals are required to ensure that a plan is in place to help students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) with the various transitions they face. These transitions may include: entry to school; transitions between activities and settings or between classrooms; transitions between grades; moving from school to school or from an outside agency to a school; the transition from elementary to secondary school; and the transition from secondary school to postsecondary destinations, including the workplace.
PPM No. 140, “Incorporating Methods of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) Into Programs for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)” (May 17, 2007)
3.4 Provincial and Demonstration Schools
Provincial Schools and Demonstration Schools are operated by the Ministry of Education to provide education for students who are deaf, blind, or deaf/blind, or who have severe learning disabilities.
Admittance to a Provincial School for students who are deaf, blind, or deaf/blind is determined by a Provincial Schools Admission Committee in accordance with the requirements set out in Regulation 296.
Application for admission to a Demonstration School is made on behalf of students by the school board, with parental consent. The Provincial Committee on Learning Disabilities (PCLD) determines whether a student is eligible for admission.
Ministry website for Provincial Schools and Demonstration Schools:
Regulation 296, “Ontario Schools for the Blind and the Deaf”, R.R.O. 1990
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