Page 40 - Ontario Schools: Kindergarten to Grade 12
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as well as specific instructional and assessment strategies. The IEP is updated on a regular basis as the student’s strengths and needs change.
An IEP must include at least the following:
✦✦ a specific outline of the student’s strengths and needs and educational expectations;
✦✦ an outline of the special education programs and services that the student is to receive; and
✦✦ a statement of the methods by which the pupil’s progress will be reviewed. O. Reg. 181/98, “Identification and Placement of Exceptional Pupils”, Sections 6, 7, and 8
“The Individual Education Plan Process” on the ministry website:
3.3.3 Planning the Transition to a Postsecondary Setting for Students with Special Education Needs
An IEP for a student fourteen years of age or older must include a plan for transi- tion to assist the student in moving from school to work, further education, and/ or community living. Students identified as exceptional solely on the basis of giftedness are not required to have a transition plan as part of their IEP; their Individual Pathways Plan should effectively address their education and career planning needs.
The principal is responsible for ensuring coordination and development of the transition plan, which could include provisions for helping the student connect with postsecondary educational institutions, community agencies, and/or the workplace, as appropriate.
“Transition Planning” on the ministry website:
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