Page 13 - Native Languages 9-10 (1999)
P. 13

Overall Expectations
By the end of NL1, students will:
• use a variety of simple and compound sentences;
• write on familiar topics, expressing ideas clearly;
• demonstrate accuracy in writing and a knowledge of linguistic conventions; • use information technology to communicate in a Native language.
Specific Expectations
Reasoning and Critical Thinking
By the end of NL1, students will:
– distinguish between grammatical forms (e.g., number, gender, tense);
– identify word classifications (e.g., nouns, pronouns, verbs) in text;
– demonstrate an understanding of word order in simple sentences.
Use of Words and Language Structures
By the end of NL1, students will:
– write short sentences using correct punctuation;
– use a variety of familiar expressions and vocabulary correctly in written works;
– use new words accurately in sentences;
– communicate ideas (e.g., thoughts, feelings, experiences) clearly for specific purposes;
– use correct spelling of basic and new vocabulary;
– organize information into short para- graphs that contain a main idea and related details;
– write short pieces using a variety of forms;
– revise written work with the assistance of classmates and the teacher;
– use grammar, language conventions, and vocabulary appropriate to this course.
Media Communication Skills
By the end of NL1, students will: – use information technology to:
– write and record a short dialogue;
– edit with peers;
– communicate in a Native language with other students.

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