Page 11 - Native Languages 9-10 (1999)
P. 11

  Oral Communication
Overall Expectations
By the end of NL1, students will:
• demonstrate basic listening skills;
• converse on familiar topics in structured situations;
• demonstrate an understanding of language structures and vocabulary in context;
• demonstrate an awareness of Native oral traditions (e.g., Native legends, stories, songs);
• use information technology to communicate in a
Native language.
converse using simple and compound sentences;
use basic greetings;
respond to statements, questions, and directives given orally by the teacher;
recite or sing simple rhymes and songs; participate in language games;
represent and interpret a character in a skit set in a Native community;
retell simple Native legends and stories.
Specific Expectations
Reasoning and Critical Thinking
By the end of NL1, students will:
– demonstrate an understanding of informa- tion from illustrated stories or dialogues;
– arrange a set of illustrations in appropriate sequence after listening to a story read aloud;
– reconstruct dialogues, conversations, narra- tions, and presentations in sequence through artwork or oral expression;
– talk about basic oral texts, asking and responding to specific questions;
– distinguish contrasts (e.g., singular/plural, negative/affirmative, assertive/interrogative);
– demonstrate an understanding of Native legends and stories enacted or told with visual support.
Use of Words and Language Structures
By the end of NL1, students will:
– recite vowel and consonant sounds;
– use the sounds of the language to build words to do with familiar topics;
– express ideas, feelings, and opinions using known language structures;
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Media Communication Skills
By the end of NL1, students will:
– use information technology to:
– record a short dialogue to share with other students;
– listen to tapes of Native elders telling stories;
– produce media works for listening or viewing;
– communicate in a Native language with other students.

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