Page 12 - Native Languages 9-10 (1999)
P. 12

Overall Expectations
By the end of NL1, students will:
• read simple material on familiar topics in structured situations;
• recognize language patterns and vocabulary that have been learned through oral work; • read for comprehension of ideas;
• demonstrate an understanding of language conventions and vocabulary in simple texts; • use information technology to communicate in a Native language.
Specific Expectations
Reasoning and Critical Thinking
By the end of NL1, students will:
– demonstrate an understanding of simple texts;
– extract information from a written passage;
– identify the theme and supporting details of a story or poem;
– translate simple texts with the assistance of a dictionary or word list.
Use of Words and Language Structures
By the end of NL1, students will:
– read aloud, enunciating words clearly and using proper intonation;
– demonstrate an understanding of basic vocabulary in simple sentences;
– select, list, and define new vocabulary in texts;
– use all available cues (e.g., context, language patterns, form, graphic symbols) to deter- mine the meaning of new vocabulary;
– determine appropriate titles for passages or stories;
– follow simple written instructions;
– read a variety of simple texts;
– respond appropriately to written questions.
Media Communication Skills
By the end of NL1, students will: – use information technology to:
– locate reading material in the Native language;
– build a knowledge base on a Native topic;
– communicate in a Native language with other students.

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