Page 14 - Native Languages 9-10 (1999)
P. 14

  Grammar, Language Conventions, and Vocabulary
Structure of Native Languages
A knowledge of the structure of a language allows students to analyse and reflect on its use, thereby stimulating their interest in lan- guage itself, deepening their understanding of the language being learned, and helping them to develop their writing skills. Investigation and discussion of the rules of syntax and grammar that underlie the lan- guage patterns of the Native language under study will complement language learning. Language patterns for the two Native lan- guage families in Ontario are different and thus listed separately.
Sentence Structure
In Native languages, sentences are expressed in a variety of ways that may include one or more of the following parts of speech: verbs, nouns, pronouns, particles, and conjunctions. A whole sentence can be expressed by a verb and its inflections, attained by adding one or more affixes. Sometimes a particle can express a complete thought. Sentences may also consist of one or more clauses that in English would be parallel to simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex constructions.
Algonquian Language Family
• Type
– animate intransitive
– inanimate intransitive – inanimate transitive
– animate transitive
• Tense
– present
– simple past
– intentional future
Spelling Strategies
Use of:
– cluster and syllable recognition – capitalization
– punctuation
– diacritical marks
– resources to confirm spelling
(e.g., classroom-displayed lists, texts, dictionaries, information technology)
Use of:
– basic vocabulary (sample list: numbers from 1 to 50; time; calendar; seasons; colours; domestic animals; buildings; objects in the classroom; family members; clothing; food; games)
– new words from units of study and personal and class word lists
– a Native–English dictionary to build vocabulary
• Person
– first,second,third – regular, irregular
• Number
– singular – plural

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