Page 74 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 74

• How could you represent this situation using a graph? using a diagram? using concrete/digital tools? using a table of values?
• In what way(s) would a scale model help you solve this problem? Selecting Tools and Strategies
• Explain why you chose to use this tool/strategy to solve the problem.
• What other tools/strategies did you consider using? Explain why you chose not to use them. • What were the advantages and disadvantages of the strategies you tried?
• What estimation strategy did you use? Was your result sufficiently accurate for the situation?
Sample Tasks
Sample tasks from Strands B to F that highlight various mathematical processes:
B2.1 Sample task that highlights reasoning and proving, and selecting tools and strategies:
• Have students determine, using a strategy of their choice, which number is smaller, −4 × 103 or 4 × 10−3.
C4.2 Sample task that highlights representing and making connections:
D2.5 Teacher prompts that highlight reflecting (after completing a mathematical modelling task):
• Does your model help you to answer your question? Did you need to revise the model? Why? 73
Ask students to generate a set of coordinates that satisfy the equation x + y = 10. Have them plot these coordinates on a grid, and then discuss whether they have found all the possible values that satisfy the equation or if there are others between these points. This discussion should lead to the idea of connecting the points with a line to represent all possible values. Then have them choose points above and below the line they have drawn, and ask them how these points are connected to the inequalities x + y > 10 and x + y < 10.

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