Page 75 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 75

• Does your model allow you to make predictions?
• What predictions can be made based on the model? • What are the limits of the model?
Geometry and Measurement
E1.3 Sample task that highlights problem solving:
• Have students solve problems that involve using unconventional units to measure. For example: How many of the same type of coin are needed to go around the circumference of Earth?
Financial Literacy
F1.4 Sample task that highlights communication:
• Show students the budget for a division of the local municipal government (e.g., Parks and Recreation). Pose a scenario that is relevant to the current local situation (e.g., community members would like an outdoor skating rink) and have students discuss how the budget could be modified based on this scenario.
Overall expectation
A2. Making Connections
make connections between mathematics and various knowledge systems, their lived experiences, and various real-life applications of mathematics, including careers
Teacher supports
Instructional Tips
Teachers can:
• demonstrate that they honour and value connections identified by students, and share their excitement over the connections they discover;
• build on students’ sense of their identities, experiences in school and other experiences, ideas, questions, and interests to support the development of an engaging and inclusive mathematics learning community;
• create opportunities for every student to feel that they are reflected in mathematical learning; 74

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