Page 73 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 73

Reasoning and Proving
• Is this statement true for all cases?
• How can you verify this answer?
• What would happen if ...? (e.g., if the rate of change increased? if this number were negative?)
• How can you extend these ideas to more general cases?
• Does this answer make sense to you? Why or why not?
• How did the learning tool you chose contribute to your understanding of, or solution for, the
• How did the tool assist you in communicating your answer or your thinking?
• What strategies did you use that did or did not work?
• What did you learn in the process of working through this problem?
• What connection(s) do you see between a problem you solved previously [describe the problem student solved previously] and today’s problem?
• Describe the connections you see between ... and .... (e.g., one representation with another, a student’s interpretation with another, a student’s strategy with another)
• How does your representation (e.g., diagram, sketch, concrete/digital representation) connect to ...? (e.g., the algebraic solution? another student’s work?)
• How is the strategy that was just shared in the group discussion similar to or different from your strategy?
• Present your solution to a problem so that someone else will understand your thinking and your process.
• Share your thinking with this group and consider their feedback as you revise your work.
• How can you express this in another way?
• In what other way(s) can you represent this situation? 72

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