Page 72 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 72

• pose problems that have multiple entry points and can be solved in various ways (problem solving);
• provide students with opportunities to pose and solve authentic problems that are of interest to them (problem solving);
• make available a range of materials and technologies for students to choose from and teach them how to select and use tools to represent mathematical situations, solve problems, and communicate their thinking (selecting tools and strategies);
• support students in understanding that the same mathematical situation can be represented in various ways, and in making connections among different representations (representing, connecting);
• empower students to think about and strategize how they solve problems, including steps such as representing the situations, selecting tools and strategies, reflecting on the reasonableness of their solutions, and justifying their thinking (problem solving, representing, selecting tools and strategies, reflecting, reasoning and proving);
• encourage students to reflect on their mistakes and on feedback they are given and to revise their mathematical solutions as necessary, demonstrating how doing so can move learning forward (reflecting);
• provide opportunities for students to respectfully listen, reflect, and discuss strategies and reasoning in pairs or small groups (communicating, reflecting, reasoning and proving);
• facilitate the purposeful sharing of different problem-solving strategies for the same problem, including validating, recognizing, and encouraging fruitful aspects in each student’s strategy (communicating, reflecting);
• support all students in expanding their communicative repertoire to include a broader range of terminology and conventions (communicating);
• create opportunities for meaningful peer feedback and emphasize the benefits of discourse in the learning of mathematics (communicating).
Teacher Prompts
Prompts that highlight specific mathematical processes
Problem Solving
• Explain in your own words the problem you need to solve.
• What information, knowledge, and strategies may be helpful to solve this problem?
• What assumptions are inherent in the problem? What assumptions are you making?
• What information do you know already and what additional information is required to solve the

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