Page 206 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: Health and Physical Education, 2015 - revised
P. 206

 C1. Understanding Health Concepts
 C2. Making Healthy Choices
 C3. Making Connections for Healthy Living
 Grade 7
 Healthy Eating
    C2.1 Food choices and health problems [CT ]
   C3.1 Healthy eating practices and routines
   Personal Safety and Injury Prevention
 C1.1 Benefits and dangers – technology
 C2.2 Impact – bullying/harassment [IS, CT ]
    Substance Use, Addictions, and Related Behaviours
   C1.2 Mental health,substances,support [PS]
   C2.3 Body image, substance use [PS, CT ]
   C3.2 Implications of substance use and addictions [CT ]
   Human Development and Sexual Health
 C1.3 Delaying sexual activity
C1.4 Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) C1.5 STI and pregnancy prevention
 C2.4 Sexual health and decision making [PS]
 C3.3 Relationship changes at puberty [IS, CT ]
 Grade 8
  Healthy Eating
  C1.1 Nutrients
  C2.1 Foodchoices–criteria[CT]
   C3.1 Promoting healthy eating [CT ]
   Personal Safety and Injury Prevention
 C1.2 Reducing riskofinjuries,death [PS,CT]
 C2.2 Assessing situations for potential danger [CT ]
 C3.2 Impact of violent behaviours; supports [CT]
   Substance Use, Addictions, and Related Behaviours
   C1.3 Warning signs,consequences
   C2.3 Mental health, stress management [PS]
     Human Development and Sexual Health
 C1.4 Decisions about sexual activity; supports [PS]
C1.5 Gender identity, sexual orientation, self-concept [PS]
 C2.4 Decision making, contraception [IS, CT ]
 C3.2 Relationships and intimacy [IS, CT ]
  Grade 9
 Healthy Eating
   C1.1 Connection to holistic health: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual [PS, CT ]
  C2.1 Healthy eating plans [PS, CT ]
   C3.1 Food and beverage choices – environmental, social factors [IS, CT ]
  Personal Safety and Injury Prevention
 C1.2 Technology – benefits and risks, safe use [IS,CT]
  C3.2 Mental health concerns – warning signs and responses [PS, IS]
C3.3 Responding to bullying/harassment (including sexual harassment, gender- based violence, homophobia, racism) [PS, IS, CT ]
   Substance Use, Addictions, and Related Behaviours
   C1.3 Resilience – protective and riskfactors [PS, CT ]
      C3.4 Social influences; decision-making, communication skills [IS, CT ]
   Human Development and Sexual Health
  C1.4 Preventing pregnancy and STIs
C1.5 Factors affecting gender identity and sexual orientation; supports [PS]
  C2.2 Relationships – skills and strategies [PS, IS]
C2.3 Thinking ahead about sexual health, consent, personal limits [PS, CT ]
* See page 201 for important information about the content, purpose, and design of this chart.

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