Page 204 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: Health and Physical Education, 2015 - revised
P. 204

    A1. Active Participation
 A2. Physical Fitness
   A3. Safety
  Grade 7
 A1.1 Participation in program activities; behaviours showing readiness [PS, IS]
 A1.2 Enjoyment of activity (diverse indoor/outdoor activities) [PS]
 A1.3 Factors that motivate or impede participation (in and outside of school) [CT ]
 A2.1 Dailyphysical activity (DPA) – sustained, moderate to vigorous activity, 20 minutes per day, including warm-up and cool-down [PS]
 A2.2 Factors affecting fitness; application of train- ing principles [CT ]
 A2.3 Assessment and monitoring of health-related fitness [PS, CT ]
 A2.4 Developing
a plan to meet health-related fitness goals; [PS, CT ]
 A3.1 Behaviours and procedures that maximize safety
of self and others [PS, IS]
 A3.2 Procedures for anticipating and re- sponding to outdoor hazards [PS, CT ]
   Grade 7
   Grade 8
   A1.3 Personal motivating factors; influencing others [CT ]
  A2.2 Health- related and skill-re- lated components of fitness; use of training principles to enhance fitness [CT ]
   A3.2 Responding to emergency situations [PS, CT ]
    Grade 8
  Grade 9
 A1.1 Active partici- pation; choosing from a wide and varied range of activities [PS, IS]
 A1.2 Factors contributing to enjoyment and lifelong physical activity; overcoming challenges [PS, CT ]
 A1.3 Positive social and ethical behaviours that con- tribute to enjoyable participation [PS, IS]
  A2.1 Sustained moderate to vigorous physical activity
(20 minutes) [PS]
 A2.2 Short- and long-term benefits of health-related and skills-related fitness; training principles [PS, CT ]
 A2.3 Assessment of health-related fitness; monitoring of changes [PS, CT ]
 A2.4 Developing, implementing, revis- ing a personal fitness plan [PS, CT ]
 A3.1 Behaviours and procedures for maximizing safety of self and others in a variety of settings [PS, IS, CT ]
 A3.2 Responding in emergency situations [PS, IS, CT ]
 A3.3 Cardiopul- monary resuscitation techniques [CT ]
  Grade 9
   Grade 10
         A2.2 Factors affect- ing physical fitness; benefits of fitness and healthy, active living [PS, CT ]
       A3.2 Resources
for responding in emergency situations [PS, CT ]
      Grade 10
   Grade 11
Active participation; choosing from a wide and varied range of activities in a variety of settings [PS, IS]
 A1.2 Holistic benefits of lifelong physical activity; strategies for remain- ing active for life
[PS, CT ]
 A1.3 Positive social and ethical behaviours that con- tribute to enjoyable participation; leader- ship [PS, IS, CT ]
   A2.2 Strategies
for achieving short- term physical activity goals, lifelong well- ness and active living goals [PS, IS, CT ]
  A2.3 Assessment of health-related fitness; monitoring of changes related to personal fitness and activity goals [PS, CT ]
A2.4 Personal fit- ness plan – emphasis on lifelong wellness, active living; strat- egies for remaining active [PS, CT ]
   A3.2 Procedures for ensuring safety at activity sites and events [CT ]
    Grade 11
   Grade 12
   A1.2 Assessment of community facilities for supporting life- long physical activity [PS, CT ]
      A2.2 Evaluating effectiveness of pro- grams, approaches, and equipment for achieving activity and fitness goals [PS, CT ]
       A3.2 Assessment of community and other resources for assis- tance in emergency situations [CT ]
   Grade 12
                          * See page 201 for important information about the content, purpose, and design of this chart.

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