Page 207 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: Health and Physical Education, 2015 - revised
P. 207

 C1. Understanding Health Concepts
 C2. Making Healthy Choices
 C3. Making Connections for Healthy Living
 Grade 10
  Healthy Eating
  C2.1 Eating habits and choices – physical and emotional factors [PS, CT ]
C2.2 Nutritional implications of dietary choices and trends [PS, CT ]
 C3.1 Using consumer influence to promote healthy eating [CT ]
  Personal Safety and Injury Prevention
 C1.1 Mental health – factors that enhance [PS, IS]
 C2.3 Conflict – within oneself and with others; resolution strategies [PS, IS, CT ]
 C3.2 Minimizing health and safety risks – physical and personal
environment [PS]
  Substance Use, Addictions, and Related Behaviours
  C1.2 Effects on health and well-being [PS]
  C2.4 Responding to challenges involving substance use or addictions – use of living skills [PS, IS, CT ]
  C3.3 Addiction-related issues – local, national, and global [CT ]
  Human Development and Sexual Health
  C2.5 Decision making, communication, healthy sexuality [PS, IS, CT ]
 C3.4 Misconceptions relating to sexuality [CT ]
C3.5 Relationships – effects on self and others [PS, IS, CT ]
 Grade 11
   Healthy Eating
   C1.1 Impact of diseases and health conditions on nutrition requirements and food choices
      C3.1 Current issues related to food and/or nutrition [CT]
   Personal Safety and Injury Prevention
 C1.2 Actions, risks, and influencing factors [PS]
C1.3 Suicide – warning signs and prevention strategies [IS]
 C2.1 Strategies for making safer choices [PS, IS, CT ]
 C3.2 Behaviours associated with risk– social impacts, costs, and ways of preventing [IS, CT ]
   Substance Use, Addictions, and Related Behaviours
      C2.2 Connections between substance use, addictive behaviour, and physical and mental health; making safer choices [PS, CT ]
   C3.3 Riskfactors and supports [PS,IS,CT]
   Human Development and Sexual Health
 C1.4 Mental illness, addictions – causes, manifestations, and effects on personal health and well-being
 C2.3 Reproductive and sexual health; proactive health measures [PS, CT ]
 C3.4 Skills for dealing with stressful situations [PS, IS]
C3.5 Mental illness – reducing stigma [PS, IS, CT ]
 Grade 12
   Healthy Eating
    C2.1 Making healthy eating decisions in different contexts [PS, CT ]
  C3.1 Personal circumstances and healthy eating [CT ]
  Personal Safety and Injury Prevention
 C1.1 Harassment, violence, abuse – effects, legal implications, and responses [IS,CT]
 C2.2 Using living skills and supports to reduce vulnerability to harassment, violence, abuse [PS, IS, CT ]
 C3.2 Harassment, violence, abuse in local and global contexts – resources, supports,and responses [IS,CT]
   Substance Use, Addictions, and Related Behaviours
   C1.2 Consequences of substance misuse – short-term,long-term,legal [CT]
   C2.3 Developing resilience, making healthy choices [PS, IS, CT ]
   C3.3 Local and international trends and issues [CT ]
  Human Development and Sexual Health
 C1.3 Skills and strategies for evolving relationships [PS, IS, CT ]
 C2.4 Identifying personal aptitudes and interests; developing life plans [PS]
C2.5 Maintaining health and well-being when independent [PS, CT ]
  C3.4 Bias and stereotyping in media portrayal of relationships [CT]

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