Page 11 - Choices into Action
P. 11

 Areas of Learning
Career development (cont.)
• exploring and obtaining information about edu- cation, training, and careers
In Grades 1 to 6, students will learn to:
– identify jobs and occu- pations in the commu- nity related to school subjects
In Grades 7 and 8, students will learn to:
– identify sources of edu- cational and career information (e.g., the Internet, employment centres, the community)
– investigate and com- pare a variety of jobs, occupations, and career opportunities
– describe sectors of the economy in the local, provincial, and global economies (e.g., the volunteer sector, the manufacturing sector)
– describe opportunities in secondary school
– use decision-making and problem-solving skills appropriately to complete their annual education plans
– use in-school and out- of-school experiences, activities, and interests to learn more about their potential
In Grades 9 to 12, students will learn to:
– demonstrate how to locate, interpret, evalu- ate, and use various sources of education and career information
– demonstrate under- standing of how to use education and career exploration skills to develop personal, edu- cational, or career plans
– demonstrate under- standing of the work- place (e.g., health and safety issues)
– describe how changes taking place in the economy, the environ- ment, and society affect the job market
– describe the variety
of volunteer, employ- ment, educational, and career opportunities, including self- employment
– apply decision-making and problem-solving skills to their postsec- ondary education or career paths
– demonstrate their understanding of employability skills (e.g., job search, inter- view, job readiness, employment sustain- ability, and entrepre- neurial skills)
– evaluate their personal, educational, or career plans in light of their community or work- place experiences
   • work, society, and the economy
• awareness of opportunities
• education and career decisions
• employability
– describe the connec- tions between individuals and work (e.g., employees work for companies, which pay them a salary)
– learn and apply decision-making and problem-solving skills

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