Page 12 - Choices into Action
P. 12

 Program Considerations
With the assistance of the school’s guidance and career education program advisory team (see “Program Advisory Teams” on page 23) and school staff, the principal will ensure the development of a comprehensive written guid- ance and career education program plan, which will include the following:
– a description of the competencies that students acquire
– the combination of components (e.g., the Ontario curriculum and credit courses, annual education plans for each student, a teacher-adviser pro- gram) to be used and a description of how each component will be imple- mented, including delivery methods (by whom, for whom, by when), assessment strategies, and methods of reporting to parents
– a clearly defined process for referring students for individual assistance and short-term counselling, including follow-up procedures
– the projected date for the next program-effectiveness survey
– strategies for providing student access to up-to-date educational and labour market information and resources (human and material), which students require to make informed decisions
– an overview of the accommodations that may be made for exceptional students, students for whom English is a second language (ESL), and Native students
The plan ensures that teachers, students, parents, and community partners are aware of the goals of the guidance and career education program and how it is being delivered. Each school’s guidance and career education pro- gram plan will be available on request and reviewed and updated annually based on ongoing feedback from students, parents, teachers, teacher- advisers, guidance counsellors, employers, community agencies, and the school council. The program will be revised every three years based on informal feedback as well as information from the program-effectiveness survey (see page 25).

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