Page 10 - Choices into Action
P. 10

 Areas of Learning
Interpersonal development
• self-management
In Grades 1 to 6, students will learn to:
– demonstrate their understanding of socially acceptable responses to a variety of situations in school
– identify the variety of characteristics, skills, competencies, qualities, and talents of others
– demonstrate their understanding of using skills to build positive relationships at school (e.g., cooperating with others)
– demonstrate their understanding of “being a responsible citizen” in the class- room and the school
In Grades 1 to 6, students will learn to:
– identify their personal interests, strengths, competencies, and accomplishments
In Grades 7 and 8, students will learn to:
– demonstrate the skills and knowledge neces- sary to manage their own behaviour
(e.g., self-control, the role of emotions, anger management)
– demonstrate appropri- ate behaviour at school and in the community (e.g., respect for self, family, others, property)
– describe the many aspects of relationships, and explain and demonstrate how skills (e.g., conflict-resolution, peer helping, and lead- ership skills) are used to interact positively with others in diverse settings at school and in the community
– demonstrate the ability to accept and respond to the direction of teachers and administrators
– demonstrate social responsibility both at school and in the com- munity (e.g., participat- ing in student elec- tions; acting as reading buddies)
In Grades 7 and 8, students will learn to:
– apply their knowledge of their personal inter- ests, strengths, abili- ties, and accomplish- ments to planning and decision making
In Grades 9 to 12, students will learn to:
– use personal skills appropriately to encourage responsible behaviour in others in a wide range of situations
– demonstrate appropri- ate behaviour at school, in the community, and with employers
– apply skills (e.g., med- iating, peer helping, leadership skills) to build positive relation- ships in diverse set- tings at school, in the community, and in the workplace
– demonstrate social responsibility in the community (e.g., can- vassing for the Cancer Society)
In Grades 9 to 12, students will learn to:
– apply their knowledge of their personal inter- ests, strengths, abili- ties, and accomplish- ments to choosing and planning a postsec- ondary education or career path
   • getting along with others
 • social responsibility
Career development
• self-assessment

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