Page 525 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 525

other societies?” “Why was the Green Party created? How effective do you think it has been in securing political change with respect to environmental issues?” “How have technological developments such as social media affected the strategies of groups seeking political change? Do you think the use of social media can enhance the effectiveness of such groups? Why or why not?”
C3.3 analyse a current political issue to identify factors that could facilitate or obstruct efforts to reach a solution (e.g., facilitating factors: public accountability processes, community support, leadership support; obstructing factors: “not in my backyard”opposition, lack of awareness or consensus, a focus on negative consequences, lack of money and resources, resistance from powerful groups)
Sample questions: “Why might some people support an idea in theory but take a ‘not in my backyard’ approach to it in practice?” “What are the biggest barriers to change in your community?”
 Politics in Action: Making Change

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