Page 523 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 523

By the end of this course, students will:
 C1. The Influence of Individuals and Groups: analyse the objectives and strategies, and assess the influence, of individuals and groups in addressing issues of political importance (FOCUS ON: Objectives and Results; Political Perspective)
C2. Law and Policy in Canada: analyse the impact of some key changes in Canadian law and policy as well as the process for changing laws in Canada (FOCUS ON: Objectives and Results; Stability and Change)
C3. Political Change in Democratic Societies: demonstrate an understanding of factors that facilitate and present challenges to democratic political change (FOCUS ON: Political Significance; Political Perspective)
C1. The Influence of Individuals and Groups
FOCUS ON: Objectives and Results; Political Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 analyse some of the political objectives of various heads of government, both historical and current (e.g., Fidel Castro, Adolf Hitler, Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama, Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, Margaret Thatcher, Pierre Trudeau), and assess their use of power and strategies for achieving their goals
Sample questions: “What are some basic differ- ences between democratic and non-democratic political leaders in the way they gain, maintain, and/or share power? Is non-democratic leader- ship always an abuse of power?” “What criteria can be used to determine whether the strategies used by those in power are ethical?” “What arguments might dictators use to justify their regimes? What are some common methods they use to gain and keep political power?”
C1.2 explain the role of various individuals and groups in Canada in changing specific laws or policies, and assess the significance of the changes (e.g., Henry Morgentaler and abortion laws, Mothers Against Drunk Driving [MADD] and drunk driving legislation, Sabrina Shannon and Sabrina’s Law on anaphylaxis policy in
Ontario schools, Shannen Koostachin and Shannen’s Dream for equitable school funding in First Nations communities, Donald Marshall and changes to Canada’s Evidence Act)
Sample question: “What role did Mary Two-Axe Early play in changing sections of the Indian Act that discriminated against status Indian women who married non-status men?”
C1.3 describe the main goals and strategies of some individuals and groups/movements that have brought about and/or are attempting to bring about greater socio-political equality, and assess their effectiveness (e.g., Viola Desmond, Mohandas Gandhi, Elijah Harper, Martin Luther King, Naomi Klein, Elizabeth May, Nellie McClung; the women’s rights, civil rights, Aboriginal rights, disability rights, or gay rights movement; the Occupy movement; movements for democratic change in Egypt, Myanmar, or China)
Sample questions: “What are the main political goals of Aboriginal rights groups in Canada? What strategies have they used to support these goals? What challenges do they face in achieving these goals?”
C1.4 analyse the role of the media in influencing political change (e.g., through public opinion polls, political advertising, news stories, gatekeeping)
Sample questions: “Do you think media are objective reporters on issues of political
 Politics in Action: Making Change

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