Page 527 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 527

could be accomplished more readily than the others?” “Which action would be the most effective to implement?” “Does your course of action take into consideration all groups that are affected by your plan? If not, who is excluded? What are the implications of this exclusion?”
D2.3 identify the most appropriate course of action based on their analysis of the possible options and create a detailed action plan, specifying the steps needed to implement the plan (e.g., developing a detailed communications plan; identifying sources of support, including financial support; creating visuals; writing letters; presenting a theatre performance; producing and distributing an information poster; developing
a website)
Sample questions: “Which people and organizations should you target with your letter-writing campaign?” “What interest group or level of government might provide funding to support this initiative?” “Who could you collaborate with in your course of action?”
D2.4 identify key skills needed to implement
the proposed plan (e.g., skills relating to setting and revising goals; organization; collaboration; communication; technology; management, including media management skills and the ability to conduct effective meetings)
Sample questions: “What are some techniques for encouraging participation in a meeting while keeping the discussion on track?” “How do you decide when and to whom to delegate responsibility for specific tasks?” “What resources are available to help you improve your implementation skills?”
D3. Considering Outcomes
FOCUS ON: Objectives and Results; Stability and Change
By the end of this course, students will:
D3.1 identify criteria that could be used in evaluating the success of their action plan
Sample questions: “What changes would you expect to see if your action plan were completely successful? Partially successful? Of the possible changes, which would be most important or desirable to achieve?”
D3.2 identify key learning from their inquiry and formulate further questions and possible next steps
Sample questions: “What have you learned from developing your action plan that you could apply in other areas of political activity? Did what you have learned change your approach to this issue in any way?” “What
are some ways in which you might build on your action plan?”
 Politics in Action: Making Change

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