Page 526 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 526

 Grade 11, Open
 D1. Investigating an Issue: identify and analyse a political issue, with the goal of developing a personal plan of action to address this issue (FOCUS ON: Political Significance; Political Perspective)
D2. Developing a Plan of Action: identify a goal associated with the selected issue and construct an action plan to achieve that goal (FOCUS ON: Objectives and Results; Political Perspective)
D3. Considering Outcomes: analyse and reflect on possible outcome(s) of their plan (FOCUS ON: Objectives and Results; Stability and Change)
By the end of this course, students will:
    THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
D1. Investigating an Issue
FOCUS ON: Political Significance; Political Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
D1.1 identify a political issue that is of personal interest and that it is possible to address through a personal plan of action
Sample questions: “What is a general political issue that is particularly important to you? Why do you think it is important to address this issue? Is there an aspect of this issue that you could address through a personal plan
of action?”
D1.2 analyse the selected issue, including how it is viewed by key stakeholders, and clarify their own position on the issue
Sample questions: “Where can you find reliable information about this issue? How can you ensure that the information you find addresses the issue from the perspective of different stakeholders?” “Who are the main stakeholders and what are their positions and concerns? Which stakeholder’s position most closely reflects your own?”
D2. Developing a Plan of Action
FOCUS ON: Objectives and Results; Political Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
D2.1 identify and describe the intended goal relating to the selected issue and explain the reasons for choosing that goal
Sample questions: “What is your goal?” “Is your goal based on an informed analysis of the issue?” “Have you considered your goal through an ethical lens?” “Have you taken into account factors that might make your goal difficult to achieve as well as factors that make it feasible?” “How does your goal take the common good into account?”
D2.2 identify several possible courses of action that could be used to address the issue and achieve their goal (e.g., an awareness campaign using a variety of media, including social media; public service messages; a submission or deputation to the relevant level and area of government;
a protest campaign; a fundraising campaign), and analyse the benefits and costs associated with each
Sample questions: “Which course of action would likely have the greatest impact?” “Does one course of action require more funding than the others?” “Is there a course of action that

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