Page 505 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 505

By the end of this course, students will:
 D1. Law and Society: analyse the role of law in contemporary society (FOCUS ON: Legal Significance) D2. Legal Structures and Processes: describe laws and processes for dealing with different types of
legal offences and disputes in Canada (FOCUS ON: Legal Significance; Interrelationships)
D3. Emerging Legal Issues: explain the legal implications of a variety of current issues, both in Canada and internationally (FOCUS ON: Continuity and Change; Legal Perspective)
D1. Law and Society
FOCUS ON: Legal Significance
By the end of this course, students will:
D1.1 analyse the role of law in the workplace (e.g., in creating and enforcing legislation related to: workplace health and safety, including the use of chemicals or hygienic food preparation practices, and protection from harassment and violence; professional standards; training requirements; employment standards; employer-employee relations and the collective bargaining process)
Sample questions: “What is the purpose
of regulations governing food preparation practices for restaurants, daycare centres, seniors’ facilities, and other providers of food services?” “What kinds of legal knowledge would you need to operate a small business?” “What legal issues might arise for an employer who seeks to replace human workers with robotic lines?”
D1.2 analyse the role of law in protecting the natural environment (e.g., in creating and enforcing legislation related to: the use of natural resources by corporations, air and water quality, recycling, the banning of harmful substances such as bisphenol A [BPA] or pesticides)
Sample questions: “Which levels of government and which ministries are responsible for making laws to protect the environment? How are these laws enforced? What kinds of penalties are imposed for breaking these laws? Are the pen- alties adequate to prevent violations? Why, or why not?” “How do Ontario’s Environmental
Bill of Rights and Environmental Registry provide for public access and government transparency and accountability in relation to environmental initiatives?”
D1.3 explain the role of law in responding to various contemporary social issues (e.g., in creating and enforcing legislation related to: child and youth protection, prostitution and the sex trade, minimum wages, social assistance programs, the use of recreational drugs, affordable housing, family violence, mental illness, substance abuse, personal security, equitable hiring practices, religious and cultural diversity)
Sample questions: “A ‘right to housing’ is included in the 1948 United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. What legislative changes might help to provide access to housing for people who are currently homeless?” “What are the key components of the Supreme Court decision about wearing a niqab in a court of law? Do you agree with the court’s treatment of the rights
of religious and cultural minorities?” “Should substance abuse be considered a crime?”
D1.4 explain the role of law in responding to various contemporary financial issues (e.g., in creating and enforcing legislation related to: fraud, identity theft, consumer protection, false representation, consumer debt, bankruptcy, failure to file taxes)
Sample questions: “What agencies can you consult for information about protecting your credit rating or consumer rights?” “What legal organizations are concerned with protecting people from identity theft?”
 Legal Studies

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