Page 503 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 503

environmental assessment requirements, reforesta- tion laws, ecological restoration requirements)
Sample questions: “What are the responsibilities of governments and/or industries when planning a development that has an environmental impact?” “What legal options are available to communities that might object to the potential negative environmental impact of a develop- ment?” “How do the regulations for a dry- cleaning business relate to the protection of natural resources?” “What kinds of actions should be taken when the safety of the water supply is threatened? What officials and/or institutions have the legal responsibility to ensure that these actions are taken?” “When you examine some landmark cases (e.g., Delgamuukw v. British Columbia, 1997; R. v. Marshall, 1999;
R. v. Powley, 2003; Haida Nation v. British Columbia [Minister of Forests], 2004; Tsilhqot’in Nation v. British Columbia, 2014), what do you notice about how the Supreme Court of Canada’s interpretation of Aboriginal rights to land use has changed?”
C2.3 describe some harmful effects that people can experience when governments and the legal system do not recognize and protect rights and freedoms (e.g., gender inequality in pay and promotion, wrongful conviction, unlawful detention and imprisonment, workplace harassment or dis- crimination, racial profiling)
Sample question: “What were some of the concerns about police practices raised in the inquiry into the G20 protests in Toronto in 2010?”
C2.4 describe current Ontario laws that are designed to protect the rights of youth (e.g., Ontario’s Child and Family Services Act, youth employment laws) and to regulate their behaviour (e.g., driver’s licence regulations, age restrictions related to the sale of alcohol and tobacco)
Sample questions: “At what age is youth employment legal in Ontario and under what conditions? What branch of government should you contact to report a suspected or actual violation of Ontario’s youth employment laws?” “What are the similarities and differences between the labour laws that protect adults
and those that protect youth workers?” “What do you need to know about workplace safety prior to accepting a job?”
C2.5 assess the level of consistency between government policies and actions and Canada’s stated commitment to the protection of human rights at home and abroad (e.g., with respect to: trade agreements with versus economic sanctions against countries that do not respect human rights, provision of humanitarian aid to countries suffering
from civil unrest, standard of living on First Nations reserves and in remote communities, acceptance of and/or support for refugee claimants)
Sample questions: “Should Canada trade with a country that violates human rights? What are some arguments for doing so? What are some arguments against doing so?” “In what way has Canada been criticized for not meeting its international rights obligations?” “Should Canadian companies be obligated to follow Canadian human rights laws when operating outside of Canada?”
C3. Influences on Human Rights Issues
FOCUS ON: Continuity and Change; Legal Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
C3.1 analyse from a legal perspective some positive and negative effects of globalization on human rights protection in Canada and abroad (e.g., globalization of communications can improve monitoring of rights violations and empower human rights advocates; economic globalization can con- tribute to imbalances of wealth and limit the rights of poor people; transnational corporations can evade employment and environmental protection laws by establishing operations in a country with weaker laws; globalization may prompt changes
to immigration and labour laws to allow labour shortages to be met by temporary foreign workers, but these workers may have fewer rights than Canadian employees)
Sample questions: “To what extent are Canadian businesses operating abroad required to comply with Canadian human rights laws?” “What practical and legal difficulties arise when enfor- cing rights in the online environment?” “What impact has globalization had on workers’ rights and labour standards? Why might a company move from Canada to a country with weaker labour standards? What alternatives, including those outside the legal system, are available to individuals or groups who oppose such moves?”
C3.2 evaluate from a legal perspective the impact of advances in technology on human rights protection in Canada and in the world (e.g., increased opportunities for education and access to information versus increased opportunities for identity theft, theft of intellectual property, and invasion of personal privacy [such as in airport security searches]; medical advances enabling
life to be prolonged versus an individual’s right to refuse treatment that would prolong life)
Sample questions: “How are advances in technology used to protect collective security? How might laws/procedures associated with
 Legal Studies

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