Page 504 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 504

 Grade 12, College Preparation
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
these uses of technology conflict with laws guaranteeing individual rights and freedoms?” “Given that it is now possible to sequence an individual’s DNA, are there any laws in place to protect people’s right to own information about their personal genetic makeup?”
C3.3 analyse from a legal perspective the influence of the media, including social media, on public awareness of human rights issues (e.g., potential for exposing human rights abuses; potential for sensationalizing trivial issues and/or underreporting or neglecting serious issues; potential for bias as a result of concentration of ownership; influence of social media in encouraging political and social activism)
Sample question: “What are some examples of the use of social media to raise awareness of human rights issues, both in Canada and internationally?”
C3.4 explain how various political and socio- economic factors can influence individual and group attitudes towards human rights issues (e.g., factors such as: economic conditions; presence or absence of democratic values and institutions; acceptance or non-acceptance of racial, cultural, religious, and linguistic diversity)

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