Page 501 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 501

alter legislation), and explain how the division has affected the creation, implementation, and enforcement of law in Canada over time
Sample questions: “If you wanted to have a new law enacted in an area of provincial jurisdiction, what elected or appointed official in which branch of government would you contact first?” “If a court finds that a law violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, what options are available to address the Charter breach?”
B3. Law and Diversity
FOCUS ON: Legal Significance; Legal Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 explain various provisions in Canadian
law (e.g., Charter guarantees of rights [including equality rights, language rights, and minority language education rights]; Charter limitations clause [section 1] and notwithstanding clause [section 33]; constitutional protection of Aboriginal rights [Charter section 25, and Constitution Act section 35]) that may be used to accommodate the interests and needs of diverse groups (e.g., First Nations, Métis, and Inuit groups; women; racialized groups; new Canadians and refugees; vulnerable groups such as people with physical or intellectual disabilities, children, and the elderly; corporations and businesses; environmental groups; migrant workers; various ethnic groups)
Sample questions: “How might various groups use laws to protect their interests and address their needs?” “How do people use the law to protect animals or plants?” “Why is section 1
of the Charter referred to as the ‘reasonable limits clause’? How is the Oakes Test applied to determine if an infringement on rights under this section is reasonably justified?”
B3.2 analyse from a legal perspective the influence of diverse psychological, socio-economic, and sociological factors on the administration of law (e.g., factors such as: limited access to legal services, poverty, mental illness, the quality of police-community relations, media publicity, advances in technology)
Sample questions: “Why are there laws about media involvement in the legal process? What constraints does the law place on the media to limit its influence during legal proceedings?” “In what ways does the law protect the interests of people who have a mental disability?” “What are the challenges of delivering legal services in remote, isolated communities such as those in northern Ontario?”
B3.3 analyse the ability of the justice system to respond equitably to various challenges (e.g., language barriers, high costs, accessibility for people with disabilities, limited access to or ineligibility for educational and government services) faced
by people in potentially vulnerable groups (e.g., people with low income, people with mental illness, immigrants, refugees, racialized groups, people in the LGBT community)
Sample questions: “What are the eligibility criteria for access to legal aid?” “When can a decision about services such as benefits, social assistance, or social housing be appealed?” “What services are offered by legal aid clinics in your region and what are the related costs?”
 Legal Studies

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